28th April 2019

Guest Speaker: Darren Sharp – Compassion UK

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Darren Sharp - Compassion UK

This week we’re delighted to welcome back our guest speaker Darren Sharp from Compassion UK as he talks to us about living a life on mission.

4th November 2018

Guest Speaker: Malini Colville

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Malini Colville

Today is adoption Sunday and we have the pleasure of hearing from our guest speaker Malini Colville from Home for Good. Join us as we talk about adoption and fostering and hear experiences from some in our own community as they have journeyed this process.

14th October 2018

Guest Speaker: Steve Nicholson

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Steve Nicholson

It’s our great pleasure to welcome Steve Nicholson back to Belfast. This week Steve will continue the theme of “being the church God calls us to be”, by talking about what it means to be unshakable.

8th July 2018

Guest Speaker: Jonathan Rue

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Jonathan Rue

This week we have the privilege of hearing from Jonathan Rue, the pastor of Desert Vineyard Church California. Join us as we look at Philippians 4:10-13 and to topic of contentment.

11th March 2018

Guest Speaker: Rachel Turner

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Rachel Turner

Happy Mother’s Day. Today we have the privilege of hearing from Rachel Turner.

Rachel is passionate about children rooting themselves in God, experiencing and pursuing relationship with Him daily, growing in the Word, and living and ministering in the power of the Spirit. She loves investing in and equipping parents and carers in their role as the primary spiritual influencers in their children’s lives.

29th October 2017

Guest Speaker: Seán Byrne

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Seán Byrne

Seán is the lead pastor at Dublin Vineyard church together with his wife Debbie. In 1993, they set out, together with a small group, with a vision to partner with God to build a vibrant church that would make a difference in people’s lives and in Dublin. Together, with the leadership team, they provide direction and oversight to the church. Seán and Debbie are energised by seeing more and more people experience a life-changing friendship with Jesus and seeing more vibrant church communities started across Ireland. They have been married 23 years and are the proud parents of three great young people.

8th October 2017

Guest Speaker: David Ruis

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: David Ruis

David and his wife Anita are the National Directors for the Vineyard in Canada.

Everyone is welcome!

What can you expect?