We want to see children of all ages hungering and thirsting for more of God in their lives.
We want the children in our church being equipped to hear from God and to pray with compassion and expectancy. We want to give our children a voice to respond to what God is doing in their hearts and to worship and praise Him. We want to see our kids serving others and responding with compassion to God’s heart for the poor and the lost. We want to spend as much time as possible teaching our children about God’s awesome love and power and seeing that impact the way they live.
Because we believe it’s the most relevant, most inspiring, most exciting thing we can give them, and so we do kids ministry believing there is going to be a supernatural touch from God every single week. In BCV we want to see our whole church equipped to live in the reality and purposes of God’s plans. So from the tiniest baby upwards, we want to declare to the kids in our church the reality of who God made them to be.
Our 0-11’s can join us in-person, alongside our 10am Sunday service. Before you come along, can we ask that you sign your child up and fill in a parental consent form? You can sign your child up by clicking here. You can fill in a parental consent form here.
Age Groups
- bABBA’s: 0-1
- 2&3’s
- P1 – P7
We want to build a generation of young people who love Jesus and are unapologetically living for Him
Our prayer is that our young people will:
- Be known, loved and have a sense of belonging in community
- Grow in knowledge of who they are and who Jesus is, and a passion for His word and His kingdom
- Be equipped and encouraged to go and change the world around them through relationship, service and leadership
Friday Youth Club is a space where young people can feel valued and supported while taking part in fun activities. It’s a great space to come with no expectations and potentially invite their friends.
Our aim is to invite young people into a culture of belonging, and give them the opportunity to forge positive friendships with their peers and their leaders.
- Fridays 7-9pm
- Year 8-14 (P7s transitioning in around Easter time)
- BCV Cavehill
There is no Youth Club over the Summer months but it will be back from September.
Our Sunday youth programme runs alongside our main Sunday services. We begin our time together in the youth room for a time of teaching, group discussion, ministry time, and snacks.
Our aim is to equip young people to grow in their faith, gain a deeper understanding of what God is saying to them, and to encourage them to inspire others to come to know Him.
- Sundays 10am
- Year 8-14 (P7s transitioning in around Easter time)
- BCV Cavehill
Life Groups
More information coming soon!
Family and Community are central to all we do at BCV. One of the easiest ways to join in and feel part of the family is to serve. And the same goes for our young people.
Our aim is to encourage our young people to play an active part in church life, not only for their own formation, but to have a positive impact on the people around them.
(For more information on serving opportunities for youth, you can check out the Serving page on our website or email info@belfastcityvineyard.com)
Youth Resources
There are many personal aspects to journeying with Jesus, and sometimes this can be confusing and daunting, and it can be difficult to know where to start.
Our aim is to help with personal devotion and study with practical resources with young people in mind. You can find these over on our resources page, please feel free to avail of these at any time.
For more information on Youth Ministry at BCV or to have a look at what we get up to you can email Andy or check us out Instagram and Tiktok