In a World of Influencers, Choose to be Influenced by the Holy Spirit

This week Gunther Storbeck continues our ‘In a World of…” series by looking at what it would be like to chose the Holy Spirit as our primary influencer in life.
In a World of Isolation, We Need Friendships

This week Harmony Smith looks at the importance of good friendships in this season of isolation.
In a World of Anger and Criticism, Prioritise Encouragement and Worship

This week Sarah Crawford continues our Summer series looking at what it would be like to be a community where encouragement is our default go-to.
In a World of Statements, Ask Questions

This week Andy Smith continues our summer sermon series by looking at what questions are good for our growth in this season.
In A World Of Self Hope, How Do We Get Our Needs Met By Jesus?

This week Sarah Crawford looks at what it means to get our needs met in Jesus. Join us as we continue our summer preaching series.
In A World Of Endless Acceleration, Practice Sabbath

This week Johnny Gillespie continues our summer series looking at Sabbath and its importance in the world we live in today.
In A World Without Pillars, Chose Rhythms

This week we look at the benefits of rhythms within God’s presence when the world around us is constantly changing. Join us as Johnny Gillespie shares his experience and explores what the bible says.
In A World Of Division Practice Embrace

This week Alan Carson continues our summer series by asking what it looks like to embrace people in a world full of polarization.
In a World of ‘Cancel’ Practice Forgiveness

This week we continue our summer series of talks with Alan Carson taking on the topic of cancel culture and what that means to us as followers of Jesus.