9th June 2024

Thoughts on Giving to Our Church

Belfast City Vineyard
Belfast City Vineyard
Thoughts on Giving to Our Church

Join us as Andy Smith continues our mini-series on money.

2nd June 2024

Money: Sowing, Reaping, And the Surprising Generosity of God

Belfast City Vineyard
Belfast City Vineyard
Money: Sowing, Reaping, And the Surprising Generosity of God

Join us as Andy Smith continues our mini teaching series on money, looking at 2 Corinthians 9.

26th May 2024

Money: Giving, Grace & Joy

Belfast City Vineyard
Belfast City Vineyard
Money: Giving, Grace & Joy

Join us as Andy Smith continues our mini teaching series on Money, looking at 2 Corinthians 8.

19th May 2024

Money: One of the most important things you will think about and steward

Belfast City Vineyard
Belfast City Vineyard
Money: One of the most important things you will think about and steward

Join us as Andy Smith kicks off a new mini-series on money.

7th July 2019

Money – Giving as Worship & Worship as Giving

Money - Giving as Worship & Worship as Giving



This week Harmony Smith talks about the relationship between our giving and our worship, revelation of God and His goodness.

30th June 2019

Money – Are You Content?

Money - Are You Content?



This week Alan and Laurie Carson continue our series on money looking at Philippians 4:12 and asking the question, do you believe it’s possible to live with contentment in our finances?

23rd June 2019

Money – Ownership

Money - Ownership



This week Gunther Storbeck talks to us from Matthew 25: 14-30 about finances. Highlighting that we are to posture ourselves like managers of the money we find ourselves with, rather than owners.

16th June 2019

Money – Mammon?

Money - Mammon?



As we start our new series on money we look at where we place our trust, in money or in God? Join us as we start to unpack a healthy approach to our finances.

Everyone is welcome!

What can you expect?