How can we encounter God through the Bible?
The Bible is an incredible book! However, it can be overwhelming to know where and how to begin.
Whether you are new to discovering the Bible, or you have been reading the Bible for years, below are some resources to help you encounter God through reading and meditating on God’s Word.
The Resources
Weekly Teaching
In this sermon Andy Smith outlines several key reasons we need the bible for our spiritual formation as followers of Jesus.
How To Spend Time With Jesus
Throughout the centuries, Christians have met with Jesus through the bible. The Scriptures are a key part of encountering his presence, and we hugely benefit from time spent in a daily reading.
How to Read the Bible
Time in the Scriptures is a key part of our spiritual formation. But many of us are new to reading the Bible and don’t know where to begin. This resource talks you through a simple method called SOAP.
We’ve also provided a reading list for you use as you practice this method.
Family Resource – Psalm 139
This Psalm 139 resources is a way of exploring the Bible as a family through fun activities and thought-provoking questions. Each section takes a few verses of scripture or song and helps apply them to our everyday life.
The Bible Project
One of the most helpful resources we have found to help unlock the narrative of the Bible is created by the people at The Bible Project.
Hey have created an entire animated series of videos titled “How to Read the Bible”.
This series is distilled from much deeper conversations on the theology of the bible which you can explore through the Bible Project’s Podcast.
We hope you find these resources helpful.