Guest Speaker: Jonathan Rue
Guest Speakers
This week we have the privilege of hearing from Jonathan Rue, the pastor of Desert Vineyard Church California. Join us as we look at Philippians 4:10-13 and to topic of contentment.
Luke: Two Men Praying
This week Andy Smith takes a look at the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14
Luke: Persistent Prayer
This week Günther Storbeck talks to us about the power of persistent prayer in our lives as we read through Luke 18:1-8.
Fathers Day
Special Services
This Father’s Day, Andy Smith shares some thoughts on what it is to be a father or mother.
Living as Sent Ones
Special Services
This week Andy talks to us about being a ‘sending’ community. From our heritage as a movement, to the people we have sent out across the world as Belfast City Vineyard and what it means to live as a “sent one” in our communities today.
Luke: Noah, Lot, Vultures and the Kingdom of God
This week Andy Smith takes us through Luke 17: 20-37 and teaches us what living in the Kingdom of God should look like.
Luke: The Ten Lepers
This week Catha Burnside teaches what appropriate gratitude and faith look like as she takes us through Luke 17: 11-19, the story of the ten lepers.
Luke: Contending for Community – Part 2
Join us as Andy Smith continues to take us through Luke 17: 1-10. This week we will be looking at radical forgiveness and its importance in developing a healthy community.
Luke: Contending for Community – Part 1
This week Andy Smith teaches from Luke 17:1-10. Join us as we explore the importance of healthy community in our lives.
Luke: The Rich Man & Lazarus
This week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Alan Carson takes us through Luke 16:14-31.