Luke: Reading the Signs of the Times
LukeWelcome home….Today we continue with Luke’s Gospel, and find some strange warnings from Jesus. He tells his disciples and even us today that we must be prepared for the conflict that following him will bring. We see some strange language and stories where he warns those who want to follow him that we must interpret the times to see what he is doing. The same is true for us today, we must be ready and watchful, and prepared to see what the Father is doing, remain faithful to him, and do what he has placed in our hearts to do.
This sermon was given by Andy Smith.
Luke: Dressed and Ready for Service
LukeHappy New Year! It’s that time of year when we look ahead and dream about the life we long to have in the year ahead, and think about what God might have for us, and what he might be calling us to. To help us with that, we will be returning this morning to Luke’s Gospel, where we find Jesus speaking to us about watchfulness, and preparedness. It is a challenging passage, for those of us who what to take him seriously and follow him. It is a wonderful opportunity to set our priorities for the new year ahead, and plan to invest in our relationship with him, and the things he has asked us to do and given us responsibility for in this world.
This sermon was given by Andy Smith.
Luke: The Older Brother
LukeThis week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Andy Smith takes us through Luke 15:11-32.
Luke: The Younger Brother
LukeThis week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Gunther Storbeck takes us through Luke 15:11-32.
Easter Sunday
EasterToday we celebrate Jesus’ victory over death and rejoice in the certainty of our salvation! Join us as Andy Smith takes us through John 20.
Good Friday
EasterTonight we remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the Cross. Join us as Andy Smith takes us through John 18:1-11.
Luke: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
LukeThis week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Cathay Burnside takes us through Luke 15:1-10.
Luke: Fan or Follower
LukeThis week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Alan Carson takes us through Luke 14:25-35.
Guest Speaker: Rachel Turner
Guest SpeakersHappy Mother’s Day. Today we have the privilege of hearing from Rachel Turner.
Rachel is passionate about children rooting themselves in God, experiencing and pursuing relationship with Him daily, growing in the Word, and living and ministering in the power of the Spirit. She loves investing in and equipping parents and carers in their role as the primary spiritual influencers in their children’s lives.
Humility at Christmas
Special ServicesHappy Christmas! This morning we will be exploring what Christmas and the life of Jesus teaches us about humility. Humility is all over the Christmas story, and is key to encountering and knowing, loving, and serving God for a lifetime. The Christmas story shows us that Jesus comes humbly, and if we are honest, it is easy to miss him or even dismiss him. Today, even as we celebrate Christmas and all its joys, let us receive his invitation to come to him this Christmas, and receive his peace and mercy, salvation and hope.
This message was given by Andy Smith.